The Bare Naked Truth

Some of you with good vision and inquisitive minds may be wondering why there are bare naked ladies riding bicycles around a dirt track on our fantastic artwork on the site’s homepage. Of course, there will be some of you who may be able to figure out exactly what is going on.

If not, here is the story…

Back in 1978, the rock band Queen, fronted by Freddie Mercury, released a song called Bicycle Race. This was part of a “Double A” side single (the flip song was Fat Bottomed Girls) and reached the heady heights of number 11 in the music charts. The infectious melody includes the sounds of many old-fashioned bicycle bells being rung.

The music video that accompanied the song was banned in several countries for its content. Yes, those bare naked ladies were seen for real as they rode around the then Wimbledon Stadium with its greyhound track. The models improvised their race, and as over 60 of them bare all on rented cycles, the video was seen as too graphic and was censored and banned.

The history of Wimbledon Stadium has had many highlights. This one is one of its most famous that doesn’t include competitive sport being played. Being family friendly, WiSH can show you the censored version of the video. Trust Freddie to make headlines…

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