The weekend celebration of our unique history was a big hit with supporters – and they even got to see a Wimbledon player making his acting debut!

Our young midfielder Morgan Williams showed his talents off the pitch with a cameo performance on stage for the rewritten play by Matthew Couper (pictured second from left above with Director Mark Stevenson) all about our reformation – A Fans Club, Birth of a Phoenix.
The play was sold out on all three days, featuring as part of the very first Wimbledon in Sporting History (WiSH) weekend.
The whole weekend was well received and included the unveiling of fantastic new artwork – ‘The Greatest Team’ – and the launch of the ‘Womble Till I Die’ book by Niall Couper – chronicling our history from 1889.
On the Saturday afternoon also featured a guest speaker talk by Alan Blower on the history of sports on Wimbledon Common and Mick Taylor on the history of sports along the River Wandle.
Anita Gibbons, Dons Season Ticket holder, said: “It’s great to be back at Plough Lane and to be celebrating with a new book that chronicles the story all the way back here. I started going to Wimbledon games when we were at Selhurst Park and my son was mad on football, so I got a Season Ticket to come along with him. We’ve been a part of the journey ever since and some of our favourite memories are contained in this book.”